How to Handle a Bully from the desk of Rod O'Keefe
Whether a good or bad bully offer, our official position is to recommend rejecting all bully offers, even the good ones. Our experience has shown the good bully offer buyers come back the next day to offer even better offers.
Perfect Storm for a WHITE-HOT Vernon Real Estate Market
From the desk of Rod O’Keefe…The perfect storm for a WHITE-HOT Vernon real estate market…
2022 is NOT Red Hot, it’s WHITE-HOT for the Vernon/Okanagan and area sellers!
Going The Extra Mile
At O’Keefe 3 Percent Realty we are always looking for ways to go the extra mile for our clients. This often involves “out of the box” thinking and responding to the changing market conditions and challenges being thrown at us in a unique covid marketplace. Sellers find themselves in the driver’s seat in a market where inventory is very low. Agents must adjust to low inventory levels and be creative in their efforts to assist buyer’s in finding a home when not many homes are listed on the mls and there is competition for the homes that are already for sale. Door knocking hasn’t been feasible during many stages of this current pandemic but mail is still possible. Our direct mail campaign is an option for buyers that would like to move to certain areas of the beautiful Okanagan to let potential sellers know they are looking but have yet to find a home that suits their needs. You may have received mail from us in your mail box. The client letters are from real people looking for a home in specific areas of town.
Top Performers with similar characteristics
In every field there are Top Performers with similar characteristics. Most notably setting these agents apart from the pack, is their passion for their industry, coupled with a foundation of high volume of work/hours and a commitment to excellence to hone their craft.
Let us be perfectly clear here… there are zero Top Performers who are part-time real estate agents in Vernon and the Okanagan Valley. The agents who hold other jobs or only work part-time due to unrelated obligations and or their inability or lack of interest in working at minimum 40 hours per week (but usually twice that) to become the best in their field are NOT top performers in the real estate industry in the North Okanagan.
“My people don’t want to compete”!!!
In a strong seller’s market like the one we have now there are many occasions (weekly) where our listed homes are getting multiple offers. This is terrific for our sellers as the auction effect kicks in and buyers jockey for writing the best offer to win the bidding competition. Now on these occasions, the seller usually does really well as we (listing agent) provide the rules & guidelines of the competition for the buyers. In most occasions, we will even rank (price, terms, dates) what is most important for the seller so the buyers know where to put their focus when writing their offer.